Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Grunma and Grunpa"

Since the past 4 1/2 months we've lived with "Grunma and Grunpa" Keir has made some good buddies...
Grunma who he loves to play Hide N' Seek with and other various games and....
Grunpa who he loves to help whether it's taking down a tent or other various things. He loves being chased by him he loves his grunpa and is always concerned where or what "Grunpa" is doing. He told me last week that only "Grunpa, Seth and Me can mow the lawn" and when I asked him, "well, what about dad" his reply was "oh yeah...No dad just likes to be inside."
He even got his tools to help him with the tent!

I know we are only moving a few blocks away but we are sure going to miss our Grunma and Grunpa!
We love you guys so much and are so grateful for the past 4 1/2 months! Thanks for all you do for our little family! (I am crying right now...oh wow)


Jessica said...

Where are you moving? Keir is such a handsome little guy:)

Kelsey said...

the picture of mom look fabulous! your a sweet heart kirb! can't wait to see the new place! xoxo

Kirb said...

Do you mean that truthfully about mom or sarcastically?

Kirb said...

i am worried for her to see it. It looks like her boob is hanging out but it's not. She's going to freak i think!