For our young women's activity the other night we painted pumpkins and I told Keir that I would bring him one home. Even though he has only seen Clifford twice, he is a fan. So there was a picture that had this idea on it and so I went ahead and painted this bad boy free handed thank you very much. I am a very talented women I mean just scroll down some more and I can prove it!! Then when I was pulling into my driveway I was then greeted by a flipping disgusting snake that proceeded to slither into my grass. Yes if your wondering John was gone and I stayed in my car for quite some time before making a dash for the house! The snake was a California King Snake. Eww gross.
I could not agree more! I was thinkging the same thing this morning. It is like when you had a big paper and you just threw a bunch of crap out there to get done. I mean come on, Reneesme? Cute pumpkin by the way!
did you paint that kirb? god job amigo!
you the domesticated QUEEN bee! Well done! I love Halloweeen!!!
PS I hate snakes and freak out if I see one.... I don't really think Hate is a strong enough word..... they're terriable little things.
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